Notes On Poland

On Warszawa

On the train to Warszawa my cabin companion was a Belorussian woman called Ирина (Irina). She was heading to Warszawa for shopping. Later she told me she only said that because that’s what her visa had said. She was really ducking off to Italy for her sisters wedding. We spent the day together visiting an art gallery, hunting for donuts and looking at a palm tree.

The Palm Tree

The donuts and palm tree were recommended by Marta, the Polish woman I met in Saint Petersburg. I couldn’t remember which was the magic Polish donut I should eat. So I ordered four different kinds and ate them all. They were all good.

Ирина and I

Ирина was also kind enough to buy my 870,000 Belorussian roubles that, despite being only three hours from Belarus no one would buy. 870,000 roubles is about $95 Australian. Thanks Ирина

It's a famous palm tree. It's not real either, it's a permanent, fake, palm tree that is a piece of art.

when: Wednesday, May 28, 2014